What will happen if you achieve 100% brain activation?
Or more precisely can you even achieve 100% brain activation?
Before we answer that, let us hear the fascinating story of Henry Molaison. To protect his identity, he was given the name H.M.
H.M. was unable to form any new memories. That means he couldn’t remember anything for more than a few seconds. He would forget if he took breakfast. He would forget saying hello to you a couple of seconds ago. His brain was like a vessel with a completely hollow bottom. Everything that goes inside his head comes out the back. Nothing remained in the brain as a memory. H.M. was studied for decades by researchers, and much of what we know today can be attributed to him.
He was not always like this. He suffered from severe epilepsy. His epilepsy was so severe and unpredictable that it posed significant life challenges for him. The doctors were forced to remove the part of the brain where epilepsy originated. His surgeon removed the hippocampus, a part of the brain. This reduced the number of epileptic seizures, but at a high cost. He had completely lost his ability to form new memories.
He would forget if he ate breakfast. He would forget why he had entered the room. After a friendly and warm conversation, he would completely forget about you. His memory became a blank slate. As soon as he shifted his attention to something else, that slate would be erased with no trace of what was written.
But the strange thing was that he remembered everything that happened before his surgery. He was also able to learn new motor skills such as tracing a star on a piece of paper or using a walker when he got old.
These phenomena showed the researchers that different parts of the brain handle different functions. For example, one part will handle visual processing while the other will handle auditory inputs. To create a functioning brain, various parts work in unison. This is how a normal brain works.
All normal brains work in this same manner. Undoubtedly, it has been discovered that, in blind peoples, the parts of the brain handling visual information have been adapted to control the sense of touch and hearing.
But 100% brain activation doesn’t make any sense. It’s like trying to eat with your ear rather than your mouth. 100% brain activation, I guess, actually means achieving 100% potential. So, next time whenever someone refers to 100% brain utilization, make a mental note that he means achieving 100% of your potential.
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